#2: Hat of the Month - March 2025
I am a man of many hats, and by that, I mean I own far too many. I cherish them all for different reasons, and have a hard time getting rid of a lid even if it's the nastiest thing in sight to everyone else. You may have noticed in my posts that I'm always wearing one. Simply put, how could I not? If dog is technically "man's best friend" I'd say a proper cap is pretty high up there too. Since I can't wear them all at once, I've decided to feature one hat a month here on The Progress Report as a way of displaying my collection. Perhaps one day I'll be able to have my own "Hat of the Month" club with newly designed headgear each month from yours truly. That'd be a subscription worth paying for, right...?
This inaugural hat is being featured first for good reason. Everyone needs a classic, dad-style ball cap. I've had a navy Detroit hat for as long as I can remember thanks to my pops and have gone through several of this same hat. Earlier editions got paint splattered on them, were faded by the sun, and one even flew off my head as I rounded the corner of a roller coaster. This specific version has only been around for about 5 years or so, but boy, it sure is a staple. While I haven't chosen this one much lately to wear out and about, there simply was no better choice for hat number 1.